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Female | Her

origin trespasser . nature contrary . 
boundary overgrown botanical garden . size inconspicuous

uncommon traits stripes
rare traits bright eye, bright mask, manx
nature features Aerangis punctata

morph air plant

elemental water

15 GP
(Lifetime GP: 15)


Contrary - Ambiguous - Doubtful

Faniry still remembers much of her past life, where she was kept as a exotic pet for a wealthy men's entertainment. By now means did she have a bad life. On the contrary, her owner kept her well fed with only the most exclusives meats and treats. She even was granted the possibility to free roam the whole botanical garden after a while, and wasn't confined to just her enclosure.

However, Faniry's owner grew old. As the botanical garden was his passion project, nobody was allowed in there. The time between meals grew longer and longer, and the flora of the botanical garden started to grow out of control. One day, the treats and meals stopped coming all together. Each day, Faniry grew weaker, as there were no sources of food to be found here. Of course even if there were, she had grown so used to this lifestyle she long forgot how to hunt.

As Faniry grew weaker, she was conflicted about the life she had lived, was forced to love. She never truly wanted to be a pet, but it's not like it was a bad life. She never needed to hunt, or suffer through fights, wounds or illness. However, she also never got to be truly free. At heart, she will always be a wild animal, but something deep and ancient was taken from her when she was captured. Even if she were able to return to nature, it would never be quite the same.

After Faniry became an esk, she was happy that she became bound to the forest biome. It gave her some peace, as she felt she was indeed a child of nature. Not just a pet.

She is still conflicted about her former life and the emotions tied to it. To this day, she doesn't know if being owned was truly bad or not. She never held a grudge against her owner or any other negative feelings when she thought about him. Due to this, she takes care of the botanical garden and makes sure it doesn't fully collapse in on itself.

Being an esk has been hard for her at times as she does not know where to place her feelings about being neither a wild animal, nor a pet, but a spirit and ghost tied to nature. Sometimes it seems so fulfilling to her and she wants to fully give into this new life of hers. On the other hand, she doesn't feel like she deserves to be a nature spirit due to her past life and her still secret love for actually enjoying once being a pet.

She hopes to one day be able to sort out all of these emotions she feels.

Overgrown Botanical Garden BOUNDARY

An old and large long overgrown botanical garden.

The garden has only tropical plants and is surrounded by a rainforest, which is slowly taking over.

Some structures of the garden remain, but many have began to crumble.

Image by Corneliu Copacean
Image by Florencia Viadana
Image by Andreas Dress
Image by Chris Abney


1. Original Form (narrrow-striped mongoose)


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary



Aerangis punctata


FAniry - 4229

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