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female | she

origin traveler . nature morbid . 
boundary rainbow swamp . size harrowing

uncommon traits stripes, cropped tail
rare traits iridescence, unusual coverage
nature features potbelly air plant (Tillandsia paucifolia)
dead venus flytrap

unique trait  ox tail
morph air plant

0 GP
(Lifetime GP: 0)


Morbid - Complex - Convivial

Mahali is very aware of being a ghost and what this new life brings with it. She enjoys being undead,  experiencing the world from the other side. Death is now something unfamiliar and strange to her. A concept she can't fully grasp anymore. Perhaps this is why she started to develop a strong curiosity for it.

She often wonders if this is a curse or a blessing. Death should have always been a certainty, yet she was spared and given a new life. Can she welcome death as a friend, or is it unfair and disrespectful towards those that did not get the chance she did?


She has also become aware of the fact that esk are not the only ghosts that wander this earth. There have been many times when she heard the woes and cries of ghosts that once belonged to the living. While the also did not pass on after death as they should have, they share a different fate then esk do. There is no way for esk to approach or interact with these ghosts as they exist on different planes/frequencies. At times, in the distance, she can see their distorted shapes and forms, flickering and glitching, but as soon as she tries to get closer they just fade away or move further away from her.

Another mystery of death and the afterlife Mahali would love to solve and understand. Perhaps some things just are, without reason or purpose. However, that answer is not easy for everyone to accept, and Mahali hopes she can become a bridge for all these different planes of life and death.


1. Original Form


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary

Rainbow Swamp BOUNDARY

Swamp located in North America.

The rainbow effect is due to oils being released by decomposing plants.

Mahali has a secret hut in her boundary, only her closest companions may enter it.




Potbelly Air Plant

Dead Venus Flytrap


mahali - 3036

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