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They | Them | IT

origin trespasser . nature unstable . 
boundary badlands . size unnerving

uncommon traits shaggy, claws, glowing markings (full body)
rare traits bright eyes, manx, solid color
nature features jimson weed (Datura wrightii)

unique trait quills

enchantment wake the dead


0 GP
(Lifetime GP: 0)


Unstable - Devastated - Broken

I crossed the line
I was not caught
Though many tried
I live among you

There's Truth that lives
And Truth that dies

I have a name, but never mind.

They never wanted it to come to this. Fingers dripping with blood, an innocent life lost. That faithful night, they became the creature they hated the most and were meant to hunt down. Now the only thing they hunt is their own mind. If you make a deal with the devil, it's not the devil that changes.

After becoming an esk, their broken mind was only capable of birthing a damaged and broken creature. There is nothing to be salvaged anymore. What was created is a dangerous and wild ghost, unstable in mind and body. The last day of their human life they created something sinister, and that sinister presence was brought over to the other side and still lingers. 

At times, it is very much possible to hold a conversation with them, and in their clear moments they are highly intelligent and gifted in finding the hidden truths. But these times are rare. Most dangerous of all, at any time they can snap and the demon inside is released. This other side of them is unpredictable. They can be  incredibly charming and captivating, telling you exactly what you want to hear. Other times they turn into a wild and uncontrollable beast.

Don't fall for their twisted words and lies. It is best to keep your distance, unless you are willing to dance with the devil.


1. Original Form


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary


Badlands located in the Sonoran desert of Arizona.

Many weird and fascinating rock formations can be found here.

The grass is dry and barely anything grows here.

Image by Jes Cleland
Image by John Fowler
Image by Dave Hoefler
Image by Dave Hoefler



Jimson Weed (Datura wrightii)



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