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Japanese  with several onsen, a temple located outside and  a lake surrounding the area.

Cherry trees seem to bloom longer here, with the forest being lush and green.

Inside of the inn a pond filled with koi can be found.

Image by Juliana Barquero
Image by Akira Deng
Japanese Holy Site
Image by Roméo A.

nature feature

Japanese Cherry

Screenshot_2018-11-18 Free Images nature
Screenshot_2018-11-18 Free Images branch, blur, white, fruit, flower, petal, bloom, food,

they | them

origin traveler . nature esoteric . 
boundary inn . size  tall

uncommon traits shaggy, cropped tail, bold markings, false ears
rare traits none
nature features japanese cherry

accessory silk scarf

familiar community (Pine Grosbeak, Japanese Grosbeak, Japanese white-eye, Shima Enaga, Palla's Rosefinch, Eurasian Bullfinch, Long-tailed rosefinch)
enchantment sweet dreams

100 GP
(Lifetime GP: 200)


Esoteric - Mysterious - Hard to read

Okiku does not show any emotions and they tend to keep their body language to a minimum. Their speech can also be hard to follow as they talk in a very specific archaic way and their voice is an overlapping between masculine and feminine. This makes them very hard to read for other esk and often results in other esk feeling nervous and uneasy around. Other  esk describe Okiku as very alien, otherworldly and unapproachable.

Despite this, they are actually a very friendly esk and they welcome having company in their boundary. They are very hospitable and will gladly share their boundary with others and what it has to offer. Whenever possible, they love having esk visit the onsen, showing them all the different types of baths there are.

Okiku has a strong interest in acquiring knowledge about long forgotten mysteries and stories. Especially the sharing of stories means a lot to Okiku and gives them a sense of purpose and meaning. Okiku will always share stories with other esk, but secret knowledge they will keep to themselves. However, they will gladly share a story on how to acquire this secret knowledge, it is up to the esk to pursue it or not.

Okiku often visits the conservatory in hopes of finding more forgotten knowledge and learning about the secrets it holds.


1. Original Form


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Tresshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary


OKIKU - 843

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