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female | she

origin trespasser . nature digusting . 
polluted reservoir. size huge

uncommon traits claws
rare traits flexible tail, pale eyes, iridescence
nature features green algae
morph aquatic

elemental rot

104 GP
(Lifetime GP: 104)


Evil - Despicable - Disgusting

If there is one esk you never want to deal with, it is Rot Mother. Evil does not even begin to describe her personality. Luckily for others, she can't physically harm other esk, but by god if she could she'd do it instantly. There is nothing to find here but hate and disgust towards others. Especially her creator Seventh.

Because of Seventh she developed a strong disgust towards all wanderers and their holier than thou attitudes thinking they are better than other esk and knowing what is best for the biome and their creatures. Taking choices away and even being responsible for creatures becoming lost, yet here they come prancing in like heroes of the biome. Pathetic.

If there is one thing Rot Mother taught herself throughout the years, its how to hurt esk. While it isn't possible physcially, it is oh so possible to crush them mentally. Often it pains more than any bodily harm ever could. It brings her so much joy to see esk crumble and start crying.

She has come to accept her role as the villain. It all fits together, thanks to Seventh transforming her in a polluted reservoir and granting her an elemental that rots everything she touches. It's not like she ever had a choice. But that is fine, she will be the villain and she the greatest and most disusting villain their ever was. Hate her all you want. your anger and tears just make her stronger and make you seem that much more pathetic to her.



1. Original Form (Saltwater Crocodile)


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary


Reservoir is full of toxic waste and green algae.

Oil spills, dead fish and lots of garbage can be found in and around the water.

Water his highly poisonous, drinking will lead to illness or death.


nature feature

Green Algae



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