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Cemetery of an old desert ghost town.

Boundary is directly adjacent to the abandoned town boundary of Cynic.

Cryptic Statues have been placed around the boundary.

Screenshot_2019-06-27 Terlingua Ghost To
Screenshot_2019-06-27 The Last
Screenshot_2019-06-27 Bodie,California.p

female | she

origin travelernature clever . 
boundary ghost town cemetery . size hardy

uncommon traits bold markings, false ears, shaggy, dark mask,
tail-tip marking

rare traits pale eyes, manx, flexible tail
nature features  bristlecone pine

enchantment  mirage

27 GP
(Lifetime GP: 27)


Clever - Cunning - Hostile

Ghost is a very clever and cunning esk. She has always been that way, even in her past life as grey fox. Hunting strategies, survival skills and escape artists were all things that came to her naturally. Which is also why when the hunters came for Cynic and her she was able to escape but Cynic not.

These skills however, are what helped her track Cynic down. When Ghost finally reached the place where Cynic should have been it was already too late and the fox she once knew was no more. It broke her heart and she was overcome with hate.

Aimlessly she wandered around this old town when out of nowhere Cynic, in a complete different form, approached her. Both were confused and didn't truly know, but deep down they felt they are looking at the one they love.

Cynic transformed Ghost. Who in the afterlife is still just as cunning and clever as she was as a fox. When Gjost became an esk, an enchantment had instantly manifested around, creating mirages. These mirages are used to conceal their boundary and keep intruders away and confused.

Unlike Cynic, Ghost's hate and anger isn't as strong. She will never forgive humans for what they have done, and they may as well all perish. But she does not have any ill-will when it comes to esk or other creatures. She will engage with other esk that call the arid biome their home and will help animals in need.

She is trying to help Cynic open up a bit more as she is worried the hatred that is growing in Cynic is becoming too strong and will tear her apart. Slowly, one small step at a time it seems to be working.


1. Original Form (Gray Fox)


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary

Nature Feature

Bristlecone Pine



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