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female | she

origin trespasser . nature complex . 

boundary shoreline . size large

uncommon traits bold markings, dark mask 
rare traits none
nature features dried bull kelp
morph ocean

elemental biolumiscent algae bloom

122 GP
(Lifetime GP: 422)


Complex - Melancholic - Introverted

Somber has a complicated relationship with herself, her life as an esk and her boundary. Every time she would look over the ocean she'd feel a sharp deep pain, yet she does not know why she feels this way. She has no recollection of what her life was before she became an esk, but she feels a connection to the wide and open ocean. It pains and frustrates her that as soon as she leaves her shoreline, she feels her powers disappearing. It's like this place she longs for so deeply is mocking her.

She doesn't always have her emotions under control, so she tends to not show her emotions at all before she ends up hurting someone unintentionally. On one hand she wants to show others that she cares and isn't cold, on the other she is frightened of letting her guard down and appearing weak, fragile, vulnerable. For this reason she tends to stay alone avoiding the contact of others or may seem arrogant and distant. This way she won't ever come into situations where she could hurt others or get hurt herself. She'd rather gaze over her beach and watch the waves come crashing in.

Even though she tries to keep her distance , deep down she struggles a lot as she has a truly good heart and she wishes she could be more open and friendly with other esk. She has a tendency to help those in need. Whenever there are creatures in need help of help at her shoreline she will be there to help them. Guiding newly hatched turtles to the ocean,  helping gulls build their nests, pushing beached whales back into the ocean, cleaning garbage from the beach. These often daily tasks bring Somber some peace of mind and help keep her occupied.

There are times she will even perform transformations, although this happens very seldom.

Seeing a creature being so lost, reminds her of herself and how lost she still feels. However, performing transformations frightens her, as she never knows what the outcome will be. Will the new esk hate er and their boundary, or will they be grateful and happy that they can now be an esk, or will they feel just as lost as she does?

Before she transforms creatures she will stay by their side for a long time, going through all possibilities, deciding if taking this risk is worth it. In most cases she will decide against the transformation, but if she senses a true will to fight, to keep going and not give up, she will perform a transformation for them.



1. Original Form (short-beaked common dolphin)

2. Losing Their Way

3. Meeting The Esk

4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary


Long stretching boundary along the shore of the north american west coast.

Not often sunny, mostly cloudy and gloomy weather.

Sandy beach, but features lots of cliffs and rocks of varying sizes.

Image by McKayla Crump



Dried Bull Kelp

Image by Kieran Wood
Image by Ben Wicks

SOMBER - 194

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