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Female | Her

origin trespasser . nature rebellious . 
boundary tree roots . size handheld

uncommon traits none
rare traits none
nature features Cortinarius archeri

familiars  granny's cloak moth (Speiredonia spectans) (small)

0 GP
(Lifetime GP: 0)


Rebellious - Stubborn - Determined


Bad-tempered little esk that doesn't take any nonsense from anyone. Despite her small size, she can easily give other esk a hard time and will do her best to annoy them.

She can't physically harm other esk, but there are things that are worse than physical harm, and having someone constantly stress you out and not give up might just be one of those things.

Her little moth was with her the moment Ikkit transformed her, but she is not quite sure why. However, she enjoys the little guys company and they both love making mischief together. As she is still a young esk, she hasn't quite realised that she can float on her own, and believes floating is only possible due to her moth carrying her.


Tree roots of an eucalyptus tree in Australia.

The forest is mixed, but majority of the trees are eucalypt.

Small pond is nearby where different animals gather to drink.

Image by John Thomas
Image by Jaccob McKay
Image by Jamie Rochester
Image by Tim Mossholder


1. Original Form


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary



Cortinarius archeri


Tussle - 5293

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