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male/They | he/Them

origin traveler . nature prickly . 
boundary overgrown factory . size medium

uncommon traits blaze
rare traits none
nature features blackberries

45 GP
(Lifetime GP: 85)


Prickly -Feral - Scavenger

Vocal is a simple esk. He behaves completely like a wild animal and despite his name, he is not capable of speech or any other types of sounds. He is completely mute.

He enjoys wandering through abandoned and overgrown places and finding interesting trinkets and souvenirs he can collect. Suddenly approaching or trying to talk to him will just scare him off, so be mindful when trying to make contact.

His boundary is very dear to him and he doesn't appreciate unwanted visitors. There are some exceptions that may come to visit him, but the number of those esk he can count on one foot. With one of them being Forlorn. Their friendship is unusual but it works out, as both respect the others boundaries and personality.

They also both enjoy just being around each other in silence and Forlorn found a way to communicate with Vocal that doesn't require any speech.

Overgrown Factory BOUNDARY

A large and long ago abandoned factory, overtaken by nature.

Consists of multiple buildings where various objects and substances were produced.

Lots of graffiti can be found on the walls of the buildings.

Image by Leon Seibert
Image by Lucas Barrère
Image by Anthony Reungère
Image by Ilja Nedilko




Image by Shelley Pauls
Image by Annie Spratt


1. Original Form


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary

Vocal - 139

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