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Quartz, Gold

Screenshot_2018-11-18 Gold-quartz hydrot

it | they

origin traveler . nature arcane . 
boundary snow-covered forest . size towering

uncommon traits dark mask, sleek, bold markings
rare traits manx, iridesence, pale eyes
nature features gold quartz

elemental liquid gold

131 GP
(Lifetime GP: 131)


Puzzling - Mysterious - Incomprehensible

Known to many - Understood by none.

Zagadka is an ancient esk, no one is truly sure how old they are. Other esk feel like Zagadka gives off the vibe of an ancient and mysterious being. They only ever speak when absolutely necessary and if they are asked a question, their answers often lead to only more confusion and further questions.

Zagadka can be found roaming all over the world and you might catch a glimpse of them only to notice them instantly vanish. Esk that had encounters with Zagadka only feel puzzled and wonder if there might be some secret to this esk. Every esk has its own story to tell about them, and none seem to be the same or share a connection.


1. Original Form (Unknown)


2. Losing Their Way


3. Meeting The Esk


4. The Transformation


5. The Other


6. Their Purpose


7. The Threshold


8.Their Haunt


9. Shaping Their Environment


10. First Time Outside Their Boundary


A vast and widespread forest.

The forest is covered with snow throughout the whole year.

Consists mainly of tall trees, the trees become barren in colder seasons.
A lake can be found near the forest.

Screenshot_2018-11-16 Snow.png
Screenshot_2018-11-16 _MG_4545.png

ZAGADKA - 1829

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